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Sunday, December 12, 2010

How to use Google to find .edu, .gov, and returning CommentLuv

You know, in order to rank high in search engine results pages, you must get strong return on your blog. I published recently a list of 150 .edu sites to get free backlinks enjoyed many of you.
Today, I got even better from a list: will show you a technique to find .edu, .gov site and blog with the plugin CommentLuv enabled, using the power of Google.

Please use the techniques shown in this post and not spam any Spam sites. is not an effective SEO technique and punished by Google Before shows you the techniques, I want to stress that you that never should spam blogs or forums. Serious and/or Popular sites spam ever and there is no benefit to do so.

To obtain a real traffic and seo benefit from your sites are going to find, publication always relevant comments and use your real name, not a keyword. Also, do not paste links with the text of the comment.

To find .edu or .gov blogs using Google, you have just to use the Google search box and some special parameters.

Let's give it a try.Paste the following code into the search box on google.com:

site: edu inurl: blog "post a comment"

Google has just returned to your thousands of results: sites that have .edu and blog in url and "Post a comment" on the page so easy, isn't it?

Find .gov blogs is extremely easy and.All you have to do is to change the extension in question:

site: gov inurl: blog "post a comment"

Using parameter inurl, you can find a lot of things, such as wikis.However, be warned that modifying wikis for promotion or SEO purposes is not good and that they can produce more harm than good.

site: edu inurl: wiki

CommentLuv is a free WordPress plugin that automatically creates a link (dofollow generally) the ultimate last position.Of course, leaving a comment on a CommentLuv enabled blog is good for your SEO.

But now, how to find blogs with CommentLuv; simply use the following query and enjoy Google results; the text enclosed in quotation marks is the text that should appear on the page, and "blogging tips" is only keywords related to what you are looking for.

"Enable CommentLuv" blogging tips

By the way, some time ago I compiled a list of blogs with CommentLuv quality, you might want to have a look.

Top Commenters is another free WordPress plugin that reward top commenters with a link, generally in the blog sidebar. Used to be very popular, but it seems the popularity declined. using Google is still very easy to find some blogs with this widget enabled:

"Top Commenters" make money

Best of luck in your search backlink, and please remember to remain reasonable.

By the way, made your noticied that you just created a forum for CatsWhoBlog? it's new, but already active; click here to join and let us discuss blogging, monetization, WordPress, and more.

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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Blog launch: 5 tips for success

Daily, more than 10,000 new blogs. But how many are still maintened 3 months later? Probably less than 1%.

Starts a new blog is never easy. First, you must communicate to the audience and indexed by search engines.But most of the work is to show your authority and make visitors coming back to your blog after you start multiple websites myself, I'm going to show you 5 tips to start your blog successfully.

I've just decided to blog, most people just choose a domain name, buy some hosting, install WordPress and start blogging. Cool, I have a blog, now what?

A new blog should demonstrate the usefulness and the blogger behind it must prove his ability to keep your blog running. This is why should always have ready to be published when launching your blog 10 to 20 seats.

To keep your visitors interested, first is a good idea to publish frequently (once a day or once every two days), but don't forget to put always quality versus quantity.

Don't waste your time with an entry "Welcome to my blog. If you are already known to be Excluded from someone else's blog, people don't care about who you are; what they are looking for is quality content. You Will get to know later.

While the success will surely happen without quality content, content is nothing unless you can promote. people will guess that you have a cool blog. Is your job to tell them about.

Therefore, how to communicate about your new blog? First, get on Twitter and start making friends.To gain attention from more experienced bloggers, retweet their positions, digg/Emboss/stumble when requesting and then start the conversation.

Twitter is really a great tool for promoting your blog, but of course, this would be very easy if you just want to create a Twitter account and Liverpool on how much is your blog.
Another effective way to make new friends and get your blog known is connects a forum.We have just created a relatively CatsWhoBlog where bloggers can meet with others and discuss blogging and monetization.
Take a look at it, and join if you like

One of my favorite promotion technique is cross-promotion: "art" of using the site a to site b, promotion and vice versa. If you already have a blog, don't hesitate to use it to promote your new site.Try to avoid boring anouncement posts and introduce new blog on a more subtle way.
A good example is this post I wrote for CatsWhoCode, which belongs to my other site PHP Snippets as a live demo.

If you do not have any other blogs, find what to tell a blogger niche and cross-promote your respective blogs?I have never tried it myself, but that sounds like a good plan.

Despite what some people (those who try to make you buy their products clickbank), success is not going to happen without work. While there is no magic formula for success, from my experience I can say that if you have the following points (4):

Interesting communication promotionStrong updatesHeavy contentFrequent

Then is only a matter of time before you will be successful. a good example of this is Jad Limcaco, owner of the design KYLINDROMYLOI.

In less than 6 months, due to the hard work, dedication and strong communication skills, Jad has managed to make his blog popular community planning, even if competition is particularly hard in that niche.

I have said this many times, but time is the best friend of blogger Today is fairly catswhocode.com. popular niche, but two years ago was just blog "one more web development".
I had to work very hard to do what is today the CWC. should write, promote, and most importantly, should believe the blog had the potential to be successful.

Sometimes it may be tempted to say "I have worked hard but failed; my blog is not successful." what is happening at all, and this happened to me but leave a blog is rarely successful before at least one year presence on the Internet.

Blogging isn't a straight long distance running Is a..

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Friday, December 3, 2010

5 reasons why bloggers should consider blocking Adblock

Every day, people visiting your site, taking advantage of free content, but at the same time, do not allow to make an income from your blog but excluding your ads.

There is growing anger from lots of blog owners and I decided not to remain silent on the question. Yes, I am blocking Adblock.Why? I my reasons.

Yes, indeed.The primary objective of a blogger is to be enought money online to pay their own costs; for example, hosting for cats who code (vps.net) my cost 80 €/month. And this is one site at a dozen I own.

Another great example is great sites like Smashing Magazine or Nettuts: will publish large objects daily, written by many authors talentuous.On these sites, authors are paid $ 150 and $ 250. How can a blog can handle these costs without advertising?

Free content is published because bloggers wanted to share their knowledge with the community. But if a blogger might enought money online stop working for a company and dedicate a full year's blog, the blog will be only better and have more content published.
Is a definite win-win for both the blogger and the audience.

I am not talking about spammy sites (which I do not blame people for using a blocking ads) but serious blogs like Smashing Magazine, PSDTuts or ProBlogger don't use intrusive ads such as popups, flash fullscreen ads, etc.

On my sites, can I use mostly BuySellAds that loads quickly and are always relevant to my content.Therefore, if those annoying ads as a screen reader, it is more because he believe that advertising is bad by because advertising is really annoying.

AdSense is rarely annoying and owners blog using this surely should implement this technique to load after the content of the site, and guarantee a better user experience to your audience.

Yes, I can money online and Yes, I am satisfied with what is best way to be your own boss and work on something you love instead of being a slave to the boss.They are greedy? I don't think.

The Internet is the only place where anyone, regardless of age, race or sex, have the same chances of success. I know people from poor countries to car wash now if you don't succeed with their Web site.

If you use WordPress, Thaya Kareeson developer has created a plugin called Anti Adblock. Once installed, the plugin will detect if someone is viewing your content without ads and if so, you'll see a message that explains why it's important for blogs and owners of ad revenue.

The plugin properly does not preclude Adblock, but if this is what you want to do, by modifying the plugin should be easy; I did not have a deep look at the code, but if many of you wants me to take a look around and tell you how you can block Adblock for good, let me know and I'll write a post about this.

Right, I blocked Adblock on any of my sites, but will surely be doing some tests and see if my traffic decrease. I'm pretty sure to get comments like "If block, nurture your site Password, but I do believe that If a site has good content, people will want to read, even if this means stop adblock.

On a side note, they saw the new coupons & promo codes page on my website?

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