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Sunday, December 12, 2010

How to use Google to find .edu, .gov, and returning CommentLuv

You know, in order to rank high in search engine results pages, you must get strong return on your blog. I published recently a list of 150 .edu sites to get free backlinks enjoyed many of you.
Today, I got even better from a list: will show you a technique to find .edu, .gov site and blog with the plugin CommentLuv enabled, using the power of Google.

Please use the techniques shown in this post and not spam any Spam sites. is not an effective SEO technique and punished by Google Before shows you the techniques, I want to stress that you that never should spam blogs or forums. Serious and/or Popular sites spam ever and there is no benefit to do so.

To obtain a real traffic and seo benefit from your sites are going to find, publication always relevant comments and use your real name, not a keyword. Also, do not paste links with the text of the comment.

To find .edu or .gov blogs using Google, you have just to use the Google search box and some special parameters.

Let's give it a try.Paste the following code into the search box on google.com:

site: edu inurl: blog "post a comment"

Google has just returned to your thousands of results: sites that have .edu and blog in url and "Post a comment" on the page so easy, isn't it?

Find .gov blogs is extremely easy and.All you have to do is to change the extension in question:

site: gov inurl: blog "post a comment"

Using parameter inurl, you can find a lot of things, such as wikis.However, be warned that modifying wikis for promotion or SEO purposes is not good and that they can produce more harm than good.

site: edu inurl: wiki

CommentLuv is a free WordPress plugin that automatically creates a link (dofollow generally) the ultimate last position.Of course, leaving a comment on a CommentLuv enabled blog is good for your SEO.

But now, how to find blogs with CommentLuv; simply use the following query and enjoy Google results; the text enclosed in quotation marks is the text that should appear on the page, and "blogging tips" is only keywords related to what you are looking for.

"Enable CommentLuv" blogging tips

By the way, some time ago I compiled a list of blogs with CommentLuv quality, you might want to have a look.

Top Commenters is another free WordPress plugin that reward top commenters with a link, generally in the blog sidebar. Used to be very popular, but it seems the popularity declined. using Google is still very easy to find some blogs with this widget enabled:

"Top Commenters" make money

Best of luck in your search backlink, and please remember to remain reasonable.

By the way, made your noticied that you just created a forum for CatsWhoBlog? it's new, but already active; click here to join and let us discuss blogging, monetization, WordPress, and more.

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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Blog launch: 5 tips for success

Daily, more than 10,000 new blogs. But how many are still maintened 3 months later? Probably less than 1%.

Starts a new blog is never easy. First, you must communicate to the audience and indexed by search engines.But most of the work is to show your authority and make visitors coming back to your blog after you start multiple websites myself, I'm going to show you 5 tips to start your blog successfully.

I've just decided to blog, most people just choose a domain name, buy some hosting, install WordPress and start blogging. Cool, I have a blog, now what?

A new blog should demonstrate the usefulness and the blogger behind it must prove his ability to keep your blog running. This is why should always have ready to be published when launching your blog 10 to 20 seats.

To keep your visitors interested, first is a good idea to publish frequently (once a day or once every two days), but don't forget to put always quality versus quantity.

Don't waste your time with an entry "Welcome to my blog. If you are already known to be Excluded from someone else's blog, people don't care about who you are; what they are looking for is quality content. You Will get to know later.

While the success will surely happen without quality content, content is nothing unless you can promote. people will guess that you have a cool blog. Is your job to tell them about.

Therefore, how to communicate about your new blog? First, get on Twitter and start making friends.To gain attention from more experienced bloggers, retweet their positions, digg/Emboss/stumble when requesting and then start the conversation.

Twitter is really a great tool for promoting your blog, but of course, this would be very easy if you just want to create a Twitter account and Liverpool on how much is your blog.
Another effective way to make new friends and get your blog known is connects a forum.We have just created a relatively CatsWhoBlog where bloggers can meet with others and discuss blogging and monetization.
Take a look at it, and join if you like

One of my favorite promotion technique is cross-promotion: "art" of using the site a to site b, promotion and vice versa. If you already have a blog, don't hesitate to use it to promote your new site.Try to avoid boring anouncement posts and introduce new blog on a more subtle way.
A good example is this post I wrote for CatsWhoCode, which belongs to my other site PHP Snippets as a live demo.

If you do not have any other blogs, find what to tell a blogger niche and cross-promote your respective blogs?I have never tried it myself, but that sounds like a good plan.

Despite what some people (those who try to make you buy their products clickbank), success is not going to happen without work. While there is no magic formula for success, from my experience I can say that if you have the following points (4):

Interesting communication promotionStrong updatesHeavy contentFrequent

Then is only a matter of time before you will be successful. a good example of this is Jad Limcaco, owner of the design KYLINDROMYLOI.

In less than 6 months, due to the hard work, dedication and strong communication skills, Jad has managed to make his blog popular community planning, even if competition is particularly hard in that niche.

I have said this many times, but time is the best friend of blogger Today is fairly catswhocode.com. popular niche, but two years ago was just blog "one more web development".
I had to work very hard to do what is today the CWC. should write, promote, and most importantly, should believe the blog had the potential to be successful.

Sometimes it may be tempted to say "I have worked hard but failed; my blog is not successful." what is happening at all, and this happened to me but leave a blog is rarely successful before at least one year presence on the Internet.

Blogging isn't a straight long distance running Is a..

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Friday, December 3, 2010

5 reasons why bloggers should consider blocking Adblock

Every day, people visiting your site, taking advantage of free content, but at the same time, do not allow to make an income from your blog but excluding your ads.

There is growing anger from lots of blog owners and I decided not to remain silent on the question. Yes, I am blocking Adblock.Why? I my reasons.

Yes, indeed.The primary objective of a blogger is to be enought money online to pay their own costs; for example, hosting for cats who code (vps.net) my cost 80 €/month. And this is one site at a dozen I own.

Another great example is great sites like Smashing Magazine or Nettuts: will publish large objects daily, written by many authors talentuous.On these sites, authors are paid $ 150 and $ 250. How can a blog can handle these costs without advertising?

Free content is published because bloggers wanted to share their knowledge with the community. But if a blogger might enought money online stop working for a company and dedicate a full year's blog, the blog will be only better and have more content published.
Is a definite win-win for both the blogger and the audience.

I am not talking about spammy sites (which I do not blame people for using a blocking ads) but serious blogs like Smashing Magazine, PSDTuts or ProBlogger don't use intrusive ads such as popups, flash fullscreen ads, etc.

On my sites, can I use mostly BuySellAds that loads quickly and are always relevant to my content.Therefore, if those annoying ads as a screen reader, it is more because he believe that advertising is bad by because advertising is really annoying.

AdSense is rarely annoying and owners blog using this surely should implement this technique to load after the content of the site, and guarantee a better user experience to your audience.

Yes, I can money online and Yes, I am satisfied with what is best way to be your own boss and work on something you love instead of being a slave to the boss.They are greedy? I don't think.

The Internet is the only place where anyone, regardless of age, race or sex, have the same chances of success. I know people from poor countries to car wash now if you don't succeed with their Web site.

If you use WordPress, Thaya Kareeson developer has created a plugin called Anti Adblock. Once installed, the plugin will detect if someone is viewing your content without ads and if so, you'll see a message that explains why it's important for blogs and owners of ad revenue.

The plugin properly does not preclude Adblock, but if this is what you want to do, by modifying the plugin should be easy; I did not have a deep look at the code, but if many of you wants me to take a look around and tell you how you can block Adblock for good, let me know and I'll write a post about this.

Right, I blocked Adblock on any of my sites, but will surely be doing some tests and see if my traffic decrease. I'm pretty sure to get comments like "If block, nurture your site Password, but I do believe that If a site has good content, people will want to read, even if this means stop adblock.

On a side note, they saw the new coupons & promo codes page on my website?

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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

5 expert advice to sell WordPress themes for your blog

WordPress is the favorite platform million bloggers. Every day, people buy premium WordPress themes and owners make money as my sites with affiliate marketing.

Promotion of WordPress themes is now a profitable niche, but as competition becomes hard daily there are a few things you need to know in order to be successful; here are 5 tips experts obtained from my experience as a successful affiliate marketing WordPress.

To get clicks on your affiliate links, you need to get traffic. is there a way to attract traffic billion, but in my opinion is the best way to get authority to your niche and then use your authority to promote the best products and make money ... the quality of traffic you receive is also very important: people who like cars I certainely not interested in WordPress themes, but if you attract bloggers, there is no way more opportunities that will buy something through your affiliate links.
If you have a blog related to WordPress, will attract visitors who are interested in possibly from the topics you can promote, because already running WordPress.

There's a bunch of really cool blogs focused on WordPress so standing apart from the crowd can be a bit harder than a few years ago, but if you have interesting posts I'm pretty sure you can create a popular WordPress blog related.

Classic ads are often as annoying readers. Lots of people won't click on that just because they think that advertising == evil.But if you're showing a collection of your favorite premium themes, • advertise it, your electronic. people are more likely to click on your affiliate links if you provide a real value.

A good example of a premium theme collection can be seen on my blog WPRecipes.If I haven't updated themes for a minimum of one year, the collection is still profitable and get good feedback from my readers.

Because of the popularity of WordPress themes, lots of people decided to create their own WordPress theme shop. of course, most of them failed, because their themes were not that great, because they failed to promote correctly, or both.

This is why should not spend time promoting issues will not sell and focus primarily on the designated sites. in my view, should promote:

The five major companies and these programs work best for me.However, feel free to test other programs and see how they perform on your blog.

On my blogs, I wrote a few lists of topics, grouped by topic; for example, you can have a look to my 10 Professional WordPress themes to start your online business or 8 awesome Wordpress themes to sell your products online.

Publications can be a very effective way to sell WordPress themes, if the object is interesting just remain reasonable and does not publish 3 lists like this every week; otherwise it will spare your readers.

Another interesting option to consider is to mix freely and leading questions in a list.

Money with affiliate marketing is one thing, but if you are looking to long term, you will have to manage your affiliate links correctly.
Affiliate links may be changed by the owner, product update, or even deleted. products sold today will likely not to sell you more than three years.For these reasons, you should always use your own site to redirect your affiliate links.

There is a lot of ways to hide and manage your affiliate links; for example, you can create a directory "congenital" on your server and use the php header() to redirect your affiliate links.

There are also many free WordPress plugin that can be useful for: affiliate marketers

The, nevermind what tool helps you manage your affiliate links, the most important thing is to be able to manage it quickly and efficiently.

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Saturday, November 27, 2010

Promote your blog: 150 .edu sites to get free backlinks

Search engines attaches great importance to the number and quality of backlinks you get a page. If you want to your blog or site to rank high in Google results pages, you should have lots of backlinks from quality sites.

.edu sites are often considered to be quality sites because .edu TLD are bound.This is why many experts SEO believes that .edu return is very good for your site; in this article, I have compiled more than 150 .edu websites, blogs and forums where you can comment and get a free backlink quality.

Please do not abuse these sites if you leave feedback about some of them, make sure you comment ins 't spammy. Created in 1985 as one of the first top-level domains, .edu was originally intended for universities and educational institutions around the world; during the 90 's 2', some non-school persons or organizations who managed to get a .edu domain, such as england .edu, which is a commercial site.

In 2001, is limited to domain name registrations .edu post-secondary institutions and organizations that are accredited by an agency in the Ministry of education of the USA nationally recognized accrediting agencies.

Due to the fact that .edu domain cannot be registered by anyone and is committed to educational institutions, many experts SEO considers that a backlink from a .edu site is good for SEO, because Google sees the .edu site as a source of serious.

While it may be tempting to pick up my list and post getting messages about the .edu sites listed just to get a backlink, I want to stress that spamming has never been a good technical SEO.

You must pick up 5 to 10 sites per day, read one or two blog posts from each site, and leave a useful, non-spammy comment. Keep in mind that SEO is a long distance run, not a sprint.

Enought talk for now, here's the list.There is little more than 150 links, where some of them don't work anymore.

With more than 150. edu backlinks that I gave you, there is no doubt that we will add your blog SEO.But don't forget that the competition is quite difficult, depending on your niche blog.

I want to be sure to completely dominate search engine ranking, I know something that might interest you.It is a package file that contains links to sites where you can get the refund.My list looks like .edu, but there is no more than 150 sites, there are 5000!

In detail, 5000 backlinks package contains links to 16 PR 9 sites, 62 PR 8 sites, 171 PR 7 sites, 227 PR 6 sites, 176 PR 5 sites, 139 PR 4 sites, 259 DoFollow DoFollow blogs Forum, 1070, 2500 .edu and .gov sites 50. sites that is fairly, isn't it?

The 5000 backlinks package costs $ 97. Know, $ 97 is a sum and not only for fun youspend. But in blogging, if you have registered, you will receive money and how to get traffic from search engines, which gives importance to the refund you. other conditions, buy 5,000 refund costs $ 97 package and receive $ XXX for $ XXXX in return.

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Friday, November 26, 2010

How to get your new blog indexed by Google faster

Four days ago I started a new blog called PHP Snippets.
As you may guess, one of my main aim was to locate the site indexed on Google as soon as possible so I can start receiving organic traffic.

So, what did I do to get my new blog indexed by Google in one day?I used only a few "techniques" that even a beginner can use it.

I have said this many times, but in my opinion, patience is one of the key issues qualities a blogger. don't expect a new blog with a preserved registered domain to be able to dominate search engines within a month or two.

Give you an example, www.phpsnippets.info are already indexed in Google, but the rankings is bad: as I'm writing these lines, the blog currently ranked on page Google 8th for parliamentary PHP Snippets. , But I can bet that in 3 months, you are on page 1.

Patient who won't do Google index faster your blog, but I'll stop by frustration, which is in my opinion one of the worst enemies of a blogger.

Google has a service called Google Webmaster Tools, which gives you detailed reports about your visibility pages on Google.

The first thing to do is to install the free WordPress plugin "XML Sitemaps", activate it and generate a sitemap.Once done, log in to Google Webmaster tools and submitting your sitemap. the submitted sitemap helps Google to know about all your web pages.

Note that a sitemap.XML will help Google to index your blog, but that won't boost your rankings.Also, it appears that a page with any incomming connections will be ignored by Google, even if the page is in your sitemap.

Getting backlinks to your blog is probably one of the most effectives ways to get a good ranking in Google results pages.If you're a new blog, return from established sites will surely help you to reach very quickly indexed by Google.
Most people are focusing on building links to their homepage and forget to build links with their positions is a bad thing in my opinion, because most people searching Google for an information, not for a blog specifically.

The first on Google for a generic term like CSS buttons are actually very good for your blog; This brings 3000 + unique visitors per month to CatsWhoCode.


Therefore, how you can get links to your posts is very simple, and if your content is valuable, easy: use social media and social bookmarking sites your posts Spread. using Twitter, add them to sites like Delicious, DesignFloat, Dzone or DesignBump and post them on feed aggregators (OctoFinder, FeedAdage)

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Thursday, November 25, 2010

The art of cross-promotion

Every blogger knows, promote a blog or a website isn't easy, especially when the blog is new. However, if you don't already have one or more sites, you can use to promote your new site.
This technique is called cross-promotion, is one of my favourite launching this helped, WpRecipes, CatsWhoBlog WebDevCat and latest PHP Snippets.

In this article, I'll show you how to promote your sites effectively cross and blogs.

When I started CatsWhoCode back in June of 2008, I remember how difficult it was to get traffic and readers will have to submit all my posts about social bookmarking sites, which I knew, Tweet and post often.

Now, when can I publish a post, I have hundreds of visitors within a few minutes. On Twitter, with nearly 6,000 fans, I can tell you that whenever I Tweet a link, get at least 50 unique visitors.

For example, I hear is CatsWhoBlog stats for the first ten days of July. As you can see, CatsWhoCode is the Web site that provides the most traffic CWB (Exepted Google, of course)


Avoid announcement posts: you suck.Excepetd on rare occasions, that the genre of a channel (which is nothing more than an advertising) will be very quickly forgot your regular readers and attract new visitors.

Elevate the useful way Instead of asking your readers to visit your new, make you want to go see this. For example, you can insert your new blog, using as an example.This is what you've done the same CWC post called how to create a blog with WordPress 3.0.The location is a useful tutorial using my example page coupons. Result: 288 Retweets as I type this post.

Isn't a boring: I may mention the obvious, but boring your users with repeated communication or tweets won't make them visit your new at all.
Making a site popular takes a long time, even if you already have an established blog. Don't rush your readers focus on creating good content, and will visit your blog again sooner or later.

Don't use your advertising space for your own projects: children in cases of rar you must sell your ad space, use rather than for your own projects; why? Because as the owner of the blog, you can use your content to promote another site of yours, and it will work better than the placement of a banner graphic in your sidebar.

And you do cross-promote your blogs? do you intend to do so soon? let me know.

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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

How I increased my affiliate commissions by 30% in one week

It is no secret that most of my income from CatsWhoBlog is comming from affiliate marketing. For those unaware, affiliate marketing consist in making money from reffering clients at a company or person who sells a product.
If I was already happy with make money with affiliate marketing, I found a very powerful tool that allowed me to increase my Affiliate revenues by 30%.

Money with affiliate marketing it is not difficult if you have enought movement and stay in your niche, but the major problem with this is the connection manager. OK, if you have a simple blog with articles 10 and you promote only 3 products or so, it's OK.

But people who have a great blog (approximately 500 UV/day, 25 + posts) and launched more than 20 affiliate programs can have a hard time managing all connections; for example, the company behind a product may decide to change your affiliate link and you should replace it everywhere you entered. Depending on the size of your blog, it will be very time-consuming. And I am not talking about the loss of profit.

For this reason, began to use a congenital cloacker before a few years ago. Was the free "redirect" WordPress plugin. I saved a lot of time and hassle.Unfortunely not helped to make more money with my blog.

But it's a "very popular" blogger has many good aspects, one of them is certainly the presents companies offer me.Last week, I received a WordPress plugin called Ninja Affiliate. Firstly, it wasn't interested, replacing my good old plugin "redirect".But I decided to give it a go Ninja Affiliate.

So, what does Ninja Affiliate look like? Once installed, you'll find a new link under the Tools menu in your WordPress dashboard.From there, you'll be able to add affiliate links to Ninja, hide them, and see how many times have you clicked.

That is cool, but the best is yet to come: for each affiliate link imported plugin, you can specify a list of keywords that will be replaced automatically by joining related congenital.For example if the WooThemes promotion for your blog, enter "WordPress themes" as a keyword to convert and Ninja will turn that keyword into a money making online.Of course, you can limit the number of times you may receive max a link.

As you saw in the above screenshot, specifies a list of keywords for a particular program is very easy.After being convinced by Ninja Affiliate took 45 minutes to create "Ninja links" and to associate keywords. plugin did the rest and converted keywords from my blog posts into affiliate links. on the same day, I did a comission from a program that you are not sold by weeks. since last week I nearly 300 $ in affiliate comissions on this site only, which is 30% more than I earned in recent weeks.

Ninja Affiliate is priced $ 97, which is quite expensive; there is, however, there are two things worth noting: get $ 97 back to affiliate comissions is definitely easy can possibly get your money back within one or two weeks, depending on your blog popularity.

The second thing to note is that Ninja offers guaranteed a 60 days money back; you can grab the plugin, to try and see if it works for you; if not, no worries, simply request your money back.

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Monday, November 22, 2010

How to get a more relevant measurement FeedBurner

From a month ago, the FeedBurner feed count algorythm changed and now shows how many people are reading your feeds on the last day. If you publish posts on a daily basis, you should not be really annoyed by the difference. But if you post only once or twice a week, you'll notice major differences from one day to the next.

So what you can do; assume, take a look at a really interesting solution: display your feed count for an average of X days, which is most relevant in my opinion, despite the current algorythm Feedburner.

Many years ago, FeedBurner has a favorite tools of bloggers, particularly for what is called a "chicklet": a small image that shows how many people are reading your feeds.

The chicklet became quickly a way for people and advertisers to evaluate the popularity of a blog, despite the fact that it can be very very easy to count.

From 3 or 4 months, FeedBurner have many problems and seek everything but relevant as you can see below:


After writing about these problems last week on the Blog Herald, someone said to me on Twitter who believes that FeedBurner chicklet now displays the number of people who have read your feeds on the last day.

So, what does that mean? If you publish your blogs daily papers, should you notice any major differences, but if you publish, so to speak, once or twice a week, you can count is high the day after you publish a post, then it is much lower.

If there is no ideal solution to this problem, is a way to get a more relevant measurement can use FeedBurner API to find dozens of 7 days, and then displays the average I found this method ... that looks good, but limited to WordPress.The following code will run on any PHP enabled sites with cURL.

The first thing to do is to paste function in your source code.If you want to use the code in a WordPress blog, you will need to paste the file functions.php.

function get_average_readers ($ feed_id, $ space = 7) {$ today = date (' Y-m-d ', strtotime ("now")); $ before = date (' Y-m-d ', strtotime ("-". $ interval."days")); $ feed_url = "". $ feed_id https://feedburner.google.com/api/awareness/1.0/getfeeddata?uri=. "& dates =". $ before. "". $ today; $ ch = (curl_init); curl_setopt ($ ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt ($ ch, CURLOPT_URL, $ feed_url); $ data = curl_exec ($ ch);Examples ($ ch); $ xml = new SimpleXMLElement ($ data); $ fb = $ xml-> feed-> entry [' circulation ']; $ nb = 0; foreach ($ xml-> feed-> children () as $ circ) {$ nb += $ circ [' circulation '];}return round ($ nb/$ interval);}

Once you've added the PHP function on your site, you can use to get your blog feed middle readers.Paste the following when you want to display the number and don't forget to replace catswhocode feed your name in row 2.

This function displays an average of 7 days, but you can specify the desired number of days using a second parameter:

Your noticied that redesigned CatsWhoBlog? my sidebar, I use In my function average feed readers to see an estimate of my RSS readers. in order to have a better look, I have replaced the last two numbers with leading zeros and added a plus.

In this way, if I 1287 readers, you'll see "readers 1200 +" instead; If you want to do the same for your blog, it is very easy using some basic PHP:

This is all for today., I hope you can enjoy the trick! I want to know if you have any ideas to enhance it? if you would like to help me promote this post, please anomaly.

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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

10 examples of beautiful custom designed publications

Since some months ago, web designers, and bloggers created a new trend in blogging, named "Custom designed post". What is this? Simply, this is a blog post that use a particular design rather than the main blog design.

In this article, I'm going to talk about the phenomenon and then showcase 10 absolutely awesome custom designed blog posts.

As you'll see in this post, custom blog can be really beautiful. If you are a freelance webdesigner or own a web design related blog, is a great way to show your skills and to attract new clients.

But custom designed blog posts have also defects: it may be difficult to read or to navigate, and visitors may not prosechan is your blog!If you display ads on your regular blog postings, advertisers may not like your custom designed publications because their ads appear.

So excepted if you're a Web Designer, should my advice to stay away from them; But, of course, feel free to experiement. now let's have a look at this showcase of 10 race blog post projects.

Jason Santa Maria: to a drawing object

KYLINDROMYLOI design: Process behind good picture

KYLINDROMYLOI design: what would someone told me about freelancing

Smashing Magazine: the death of boring blog post

Marcel Uekermann: vertical farming

Paddy Donnelly: Life beneath 600px

Sam Hardacre: quest for the perfect sketchbook

ColdHeat: Goldfinger

Kyle Fielder: Hey fast, slow yourself down

Avoid contact with eyes: Zombie movie poster collection

And you, you have never used custom blog posts on your blog? do you intend to do so soon?

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Saturday, November 13, 2010

Using Google as a research tool bgogl "keyword"

This is to write articles will have Google traffic immediately!

I do not invest money with Google Bgogl within months, but still use the powerful words to help me decide bgogl topics article.Keywords tool lists the volume of search current month, an average search volume for the past 12 months and let you competitors advertising activity (some publishers are actively is toward specific keywords). google provides insight bgogl which keywords are hot Google search to help you focus on your content and to obtain tons of Google traffic.

To continue with this tutorial or article you will need to sign in to your account bgogl Google. If you don't have a Google account bgogl I recommend Google trends or other services that provide data keyword tools.

Once your AdWord account, click an existing campaign or expired (or create one if you have one) to do this go "summary of the campaign" navigation bar and click on the voyage. Then click one of the Ad groups . click keyword tool.""


Use "Descriptive words or phrases" type a keyword for your theme on a site or blog.In my example, I will use the keyword "Hawaii" for my blog hawaiitopia.com.


You will get results for all keywords including and/or related to the keyword "Hawaii" you can easily sort the results by relevance, the volume of searches for the current month, or were 12 months search volume.I recommend sort the results by means of a search of the current month.This displays the keywords "hot" current is also gives you an idea of what advertisers keywords month thus giving you a better chance of getting of requested advertising money down the road. the following is an example of the results of my keyword "Hawaii" sorted by month current search volume (according to the current month that I was going to last month, Google has a full data).


I now have a list of keywords that are relevant to my blog site 100s and I have a starting point on where to focus on a few of my next articles.Based on the results of my focus on several articles related to "vacations Hawaii", "big island Hawaii", perhaps even "shores of Hawaii" here are some articles that I write based on this information.

"Top 5 Hawaii vacations" things to do in Big island Hawaii beaches HawaiiTop

When writing articles for my focus on the keywords and ensure they are on the subject, metadata and through out this article I will include at least 2 images with ALT TEXT containing these keywords. After completing the articles I submit them these websites 7 knowing that they help me get noticed faster by Google, Yahoo and other bots vachbish. I used the techniques with success on my other blogs to get tons of traffic.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Take the leap holds significance for – Working from home!

In December I will be leaving the United States air force after 15 years of full time work from home on business on the Internet. How to make money? Through the Goodle Adsense affiliate programs, and other advertising dollars, a consulting firm. I make a lot more work from home part-time from what I've done full-time bashirotim armed.

I will start blogging a lot more over the next two months when I pass my military career from my full-time job to work from home. There are lots of steps beyond traditional full-time job to stay home, small businesses. The Internet is a great place to make money, finally I work that I love.How many people can say that they love their task? because they wake looking forward to meet their task?

TW3O. com is the main source of revenue. It is more of a hobby and I blog my journey of full-time military meets a guy making a living online.I mean my blogs go mamsorti "9 5 ? slug small stand to be a successful business on the Internet there's a lot of risk ... what I do.I'm giving up pension large military to do this and my boss.

And keep track of running a blog the initial steps starting this week and then the US air force in December will be a great year for me .2009!

Monday, November 8, 2010

How to tell if a directory is worth submitting to

Hey, it's me again. What is this me? Well, nothing much. I'm just hangin ' at home since it is Saturday. The book! ' Nuff speak to me, want to keep this post short. Basically want to "teach" you how to tell if a directory is worth submitting to. I know that I mentioned before that give a lot of libraries to link a lot of juice, because they aren't directories right onto your links list.

Guys probably know that I started a new paid web directory a few weeks ago.If you think that I am writing this post because I only want my site exposure, then just all wrong.:razz: I want to be aware of certain factors that make or break a Web directories!

Check design … Web site/template, and then think. If your library is by using a free template, do you think that is a good idea to send? I was not.Why because the owner has also invested in value on a custom template, it is now high/wants us to believe its worth it (and directories remain over time)? No status.

Look at statistics, if available. Some libraries have little box or sidebar item that contains some essential information that you know the look for box., or anything that has a number of links listed, waiting and links to other things.If you see that there are thousands of pending links, then don't send anymore. it just displays the owner stopped approval/rejection Internet sites for a long time, probably more simply at the end of the pool waiting links.

If you are running after the PR, check to see if the category has a good amount of PR.No, not even bother
Using PR of the master page to analyze whether you submit your site to the directory. If you send only to get some PageRank, then check to see if the category you are sending to have decent PR. why?Well, that it is the same as your link!

Check latest links.Most libraries have this section with the latest links "where" you see the listings have been added recently. now to see if the listings are high quality.If they don't, this means that the owner is in a frenzy OK, check to see if a site is good or not.Don't bother submitting to these directories, otherwise your site to be "enclosed".

See if the library index by Google.You don't need me to explain that. come on, you should know by now that the sites that are not indexed by Google are good links from.;)

Ah, there you have it guys GALs. post short enough from me, but might be useful yet. bye, I leave.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

My first Office!

Sorry for the delay of writing! I have finally done it and begin a separate Office for my business life at home. I had always spare room as Office, but now has to take a leap to hire out Office space. I hope that at last a long time to take the TW3O!

First, the Bureau will be filled with tables.Two large tables came with Office space here is a shot of the table ....


I spung for expensive since I have a Chair, sit on it for 8 hours a day! I got a nice bar and a coffee together for early morning or late evening.


I picked up a couch free from my brother.


This is my Office where I work my business on the Internet and blogs TW3O. com.

Sorry, found not related posts.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Affiliate program of the payday loan

Programs Branch quickly become the main source for webmasters. While Google AdSense provides a steady stream of income pay per click, affiliate programs provide large commissions. Programs Branch perform best when the program branch matches the theme of your site. Today, I will talk about payday loan affiliate program by payday one.

Ever you do not see myself in need of a payday loan, but I'm sure there are thousands of using fast cash. Payday loans are usually deposited within 24 hours with the required payment plus interest due in 14 days. It is usually very high. This is a disadvantage for getting money fast.If emergency or need cash fast payday loans may be the best way to get cash quickly. can I see the cooking payday one here.

Payday one's affiliate program pays out 25 per commision. commissions based on the person referring to complete an application, now accepted by a payday loan funding, there is not one customer and payday previous. If this program interestes you sign up for affiliate program a payday loan.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Review: Ucoz content management system

Ucoz is a Web 2.0 content management system for those who want to host a Web site with scripts open source CMS on a paid host. Ucoz offers beginners an unlimited space on their servers (200 MB to run), e-mail account and browse back to the ads for free. If you do not want the hastle of running a blog such as WordPress paid server, content management system must be Ucoz hosted a try. The system is perfect for those who want to save money on hosting while still having advanced content management at your finger tips.

Now you can use Ucoz to start a forum, blog, photo albums, a dozen other features. You can see a full product list of features here.There are a few questions? check out the FAQ Ucoz.

If you develop a Web site using Ucoz let us know by post a comment!

Friday, October 22, 2010

RegNow Affiliate program sales software!


One of the best referral programs on my Zune (Microsoft Media Player like an iPod) is RegNow. The company manages affiliate software. For example, there are dozens of companies that sell software for the iPod. There are software companies that sell programs that help you convert media files to play on your iPod like DVD to iPod. You pop the DVD into your player and convert the whole movie to play on your iPod. There are hundreds of software vendors in RegNow, I'm sure some will match your site. The great news is that many Web site owners to charge these programs from 50-85% commissions!

A good example is the Cucusoft. The company pays out 85% Commission programs for iPods and Zunes, iPhones, PSP and other devices to the popular media.Most of my commissions were about $ 22 25 per sale holiday season I've made ... well over 1,000.

The great thing about using RegNow is that most companies allow you to post links to trial versions.This allows users on your site to download trial versions, if customers purchase software down the road you'll get the Commission.

Strongly recommend that you try RegNow if you have a Web site or blog that is aimed at the electronics, video games or technical. Let me know how it works for you!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Why your blog won't get anywhere

I know some people have set up blogs, wonder why their blogs are getting more readers, visitors and income even. I have received numerous e-mails before asking for tips and techniques to make their blog to reach the next level, so now I am writing this post to increase your awareness of why some blogs (or why your blog) does not accept it.

You dedicated blogger. If you are not dedicated enough, expect to see no improvements. If you publish once a month, you won't even bother assuming that your blog is gradually growing …Each month. If you have a blog, be sure to spend what is normal or at least three times a week.

You never listen to the suggestions you close-minded.Sometimes, you see only the best things must implement through suggestions from readers to other colleagues. If you think you are so great and you don't need any more enhancements for your blog, you are nothing but loser. Remember that you (and your blog) can only grow if you are ready to accept constructive criticism and advice from people better, more familiar.

Cheat yourself.Some people cheat by increasing their subscriber count forcibly. they think that by having more (fake) subscribers, more will come through adverstisers, thus they make more money. If you do this, then of course your blog won't get to the next level! Even if you have subscriptions 1,550, but 1549 of them are fake, then still won't make it to stardom blogs. ;)

You blog because you want to make money – and that's it seriously, many people create now only earn money blogging. Helping people? Providing consulting? Publish their thoughts and opinions?No, nada, renovated. These things come into the world into a single thought. that he "make more money."Now if that is your goal, then why can't you beg in the streets?Blogs are considered as a way to help others, to track your achievements and to express their opinions, he will be as easy to make money.

Basically that's it.If you do the things mentioned above, then your blog won't get anywhere. Wizard slowly dying, trust me.

P.S. my friend is going to start a blog marketing of the Internet, is looking for subscribers ' Genesis '. He did not publish posts yet (as I do you good, man trust me, I'm a subscription!), but I'm pretty sure that once you have some awesome blog posts.

E-mail subscribers will automatically be approved, in which one lucky subscriber via e-mail, will receive a $ 20 cash via PayPal I is you guys sign up, you won't miss out on this page!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Overview of the Ticketmaster affiliate program


Last month, I decided to try my Hawaii Ticketmaster for the blog. You can put a lot of events that happen in Hawaii each month and sense to register with Ticketmaster. I had some results, but revenue is not high.

Who's buying tickets you probably heard of master card. They are one of the largest online sellers of tickets for sport events, entertainment, shows, and more.If you are running a Web site to promote events I recommend looking at a branch of Ticketmaster. activate it by Buyat.

Ticketmaster interface

If you are using Google Adsense, you'll find the Ticketmaster affiliate area much more complex and not user-friendly. When you first log in you will receive the current month statistics for Web site and clicks your sales is that ends with simplicity. User friendly banners generation is not like other programs-Google Adsense I used as the affiliate and Commission.


Unless you have a site with a lot of traffic, you don't expect to earn tons of money.I mean I earned an average of about 1 per sale for the first two weeks in August. had 472 clicks returns 12. sales than I earned $ 11 based off 781.50 sales.Get my blog of Hawaii around 12,000 to 18,000 unique visitors each month, so he gets some traffic, but it is far from being a popular blog, known. I'm not even a lot of events ' upload ' in August.However, receiving a Commission rate of 2.5% measly is not large.


If you are running a blog with traffic just stay away from a branch of Ticketmaster. embedd code on your site tends to slow down your pages. If you have a popular site is slow and don't mind a bit I recommend using the affiliate program if you do not experience success with other programs of the following recommendations to my affiliate. using the program.

Post informative articles about approaching even that is at least two weeks awayEmbed Ticketmaster code into each article. forget having a banner on your site simple Ticketmaster. not to accept click!Sending these social media sites and articles 7 to get tons of traffic and helps your article ratings well in Google and yahoo