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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

5 expert advice to sell WordPress themes for your blog

WordPress is the favorite platform million bloggers. Every day, people buy premium WordPress themes and owners make money as my sites with affiliate marketing.

Promotion of WordPress themes is now a profitable niche, but as competition becomes hard daily there are a few things you need to know in order to be successful; here are 5 tips experts obtained from my experience as a successful affiliate marketing WordPress.

To get clicks on your affiliate links, you need to get traffic. is there a way to attract traffic billion, but in my opinion is the best way to get authority to your niche and then use your authority to promote the best products and make money ... the quality of traffic you receive is also very important: people who like cars I certainely not interested in WordPress themes, but if you attract bloggers, there is no way more opportunities that will buy something through your affiliate links.
If you have a blog related to WordPress, will attract visitors who are interested in possibly from the topics you can promote, because already running WordPress.

There's a bunch of really cool blogs focused on WordPress so standing apart from the crowd can be a bit harder than a few years ago, but if you have interesting posts I'm pretty sure you can create a popular WordPress blog related.

Classic ads are often as annoying readers. Lots of people won't click on that just because they think that advertising == evil.But if you're showing a collection of your favorite premium themes, • advertise it, your electronic. people are more likely to click on your affiliate links if you provide a real value.

A good example of a premium theme collection can be seen on my blog WPRecipes.If I haven't updated themes for a minimum of one year, the collection is still profitable and get good feedback from my readers.

Because of the popularity of WordPress themes, lots of people decided to create their own WordPress theme shop. of course, most of them failed, because their themes were not that great, because they failed to promote correctly, or both.

This is why should not spend time promoting issues will not sell and focus primarily on the designated sites. in my view, should promote:

The five major companies and these programs work best for me.However, feel free to test other programs and see how they perform on your blog.

On my blogs, I wrote a few lists of topics, grouped by topic; for example, you can have a look to my 10 Professional WordPress themes to start your online business or 8 awesome Wordpress themes to sell your products online.

Publications can be a very effective way to sell WordPress themes, if the object is interesting just remain reasonable and does not publish 3 lists like this every week; otherwise it will spare your readers.

Another interesting option to consider is to mix freely and leading questions in a list.

Money with affiliate marketing is one thing, but if you are looking to long term, you will have to manage your affiliate links correctly.
Affiliate links may be changed by the owner, product update, or even deleted. products sold today will likely not to sell you more than three years.For these reasons, you should always use your own site to redirect your affiliate links.

There is a lot of ways to hide and manage your affiliate links; for example, you can create a directory "congenital" on your server and use the php header() to redirect your affiliate links.

There are also many free WordPress plugin that can be useful for: affiliate marketers

The, nevermind what tool helps you manage your affiliate links, the most important thing is to be able to manage it quickly and efficiently.

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