From a month ago, the FeedBurner feed count algorythm changed and now shows how many people are reading your feeds on the last day. If you publish posts on a daily basis, you should not be really annoyed by the difference. But if you post only once or twice a week, you'll notice major differences from one day to the next.
So what you can do; assume, take a look at a really interesting solution: display your feed count for an average of X days, which is most relevant in my opinion, despite the current algorythm Feedburner.
The chicklet became quickly a way for people and advertisers to evaluate the popularity of a blog, despite the fact that it can be very very easy to count.
From 3 or 4 months, FeedBurner have many problems and seek everything but relevant as you can see below:
After writing about these problems last week on the Blog Herald, someone said to me on Twitter who believes that FeedBurner chicklet now displays the number of people who have read your feeds on the last day.
So, what does that mean? If you publish your blogs daily papers, should you notice any major differences, but if you publish, so to speak, once or twice a week, you can count is high the day after you publish a post, then it is much lower.
If there is no ideal solution to this problem, is a way to get a more relevant measurement can use FeedBurner API to find dozens of 7 days, and then displays the average I found this method ... that looks good, but limited to WordPress.The following code will run on any PHP enabled sites with cURL.
The first thing to do is to paste function in your source code.If you want to use the code in a WordPress blog, you will need to paste the file functions.php.
function get_average_readers ($ feed_id, $ space = 7) {$ today = date (' Y-m-d ', strtotime ("now")); $ before = date (' Y-m-d ', strtotime ("-". $ interval."days")); $ feed_url = "". $ feed_id "& dates =". $ before. "". $ today; $ ch = (curl_init); curl_setopt ($ ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt ($ ch, CURLOPT_URL, $ feed_url); $ data = curl_exec ($ ch);Examples ($ ch); $ xml = new SimpleXMLElement ($ data); $ fb = $ xml-> feed-> entry [' circulation ']; $ nb = 0; foreach ($ xml-> feed-> children () as $ circ) {$ nb += $ circ [' circulation '];}return round ($ nb/$ interval);}Once you've added the PHP function on your site, you can use to get your blog feed middle readers.Paste the following when you want to display the number and don't forget to replace catswhocode feed your name in row 2.
This function displays an average of 7 days, but you can specify the desired number of days using a second parameter:
Your noticied that redesigned CatsWhoBlog? my sidebar, I use In my function average feed readers to see an estimate of my RSS readers. in order to have a better look, I have replaced the last two numbers with leading zeros and added a plus.
In this way, if I 1287 readers, you'll see "readers 1200 +" instead; If you want to do the same for your blog, it is very easy using some basic PHP:
This is all for today., I hope you can enjoy the trick! I want to know if you have any ideas to enhance it? if you would like to help me promote this post, please anomaly.
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